Remind App

If you haven't already, please join Remind to receive all updates and messages during the season about practices, meets, busing, etc. This is the primary way we communicate. Join by texting @fptindoor1 to 81010

What do I need for the season?

Training Sneakers - supportive pair of sneakers meant specifically for running. It is recommended to purchase a new pair for each season. Good running sneakers are an important first step in preventing running injuries.


Spikes - optional, but recommended. These are a lightweight shoe meant for competing. They have small spikes that screw into the bottom. These generally can be used over several seasons. You would want a new pair if your feet have grown or the shoe is no longer in good shape.


Watch - simple watch with timing function is all that's needed for athletes training in track events. Many veteran team members have fancier watches with GPS function, but that is not required.


Water bottle - make sure you are bringing a water bottle and after school snack to practice every day. Good hydration and nutrition are essential. 


Reflective Gear (distance runners only) - all athletes training with Coach Moore and Coach Bulkeley as distance runners are required to wear reflective gear whenever they leave the FHS campus for a run.

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